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hands from 3rd B/I lounge tournment

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Posted 2003-October-18, 12:29

Board 1. Dealer North
Vuln. None

S 752
D Q87
C 753

S 43 S QT986
H H 9732
D A943 D J652

H QJ865
C K86

South will open 1H and West will bid some number of clubs. I think 2C is enough. North will raise hearts. As a passed hand with really good heart support, some will feel the need to jump to 3Hs. But with a flat hand 4-3-3-3, 2H will be enough, and EAST will be satisfied to pass. South might discount his club King and pass 2Hs, but if he bids again NS will reach game. If West bids 3C instead of 2C or if he balances back in with 3C over 2H passed, north will bid 3H and now South will surely carry on to game. West with really good clubs and heart void might be tempted to take the 5Club sacrifice, but this turns out to be a bad idea, as he has to lose 1C, 2D, and 2S for down three, more than the score NS might earn in 4Hs.

The winning defense against 4H requires the club ACE opening lead. When EAST shows you, WEST knows that EAST can ruff two clubs. Add to the two club ruffs the CLUB ACE and the DIAMOND Ace, then 4H is down one. But look at the dummy with little spades and the diamond queen, when your partner ruffs the club, might he not return a spade upto dummy’s weakness? There is a conventional signal for JUST THIS Situation.
When you lead a club for your partner to ruff here, LEAD AN Unusually high one to signal for a spade return, and an unusually low one to signal for a diamond return (A high card ask for a high suit, a low card ask for a low suit). This signal is called a lavinthal suit preference signal. So after the club ACE wins, lead the club 2, partner will ruff, return a diamond, and you lead another club for partner to ruff. That would be down one. As you can see, no one found this line of defense. To read more about suit preference signals and other signals, see


5CWx-3  500  3.62
5CWx-3  500  3.62
5HS=  450  2.25
4HN=  420  1.38
4HS=  420  1.38
4HS=  420  1.38
4HS=  420  1.38
3HS+1  170  -5.12
5HS-1  -50  -9.88

Board 2. Dealer East
Vuln. NS

S T5
H Q52
C K9876

S AK42 S Q8
H KJT6 H A73
D KT6 D 875
C Q2 C AJT43

S J9763
H 984
D Q943
C 5

Some will open EAST;s hand 1C, but I like pass with this one. So sfter two passes, WEST will open 1NT and EAST should just bid 3NT. A few things to note. If EAST opens 1S, WEST must not bid 1NT. When your partner opens at the one level, a 1NT response by you does not show the same hand as opening 1NT. To show that hand, you could jump to 3NT (to show a 1NT opening hand), but the great majority of players would bid 1H with WEST hand if EAST opened 1C. The final contract should still be 3NT. Second, if you hold EAST hand and your partner opens 1NT, don’t bid 2C stayman. You have no interest in playing in a major. If you bid 2C, and over your partners, say 2H bid, if you bid 3NT or 3C, your partner might now leap to 4S expecting you to hold 4S if you don’t hold 4H for your “stayman” bid. After a club opening lead, there are nine easy tricks (3C, 3H, and 3S).

A--  0  0
A--  0  0
1NW+2  -150  3
1NW+2  -150  3
3NW=  -400  -3.38
3NW=  -400  -3.38
3NW=  -400  -3.38
3NW+1  -430  -4.5
3NW+2  -460  -5.12

Board 3, Dealer South
Vuln. EW

S QJ87653
D J6
C 2

S T2 S AK9
H 753 H Q942
D Q987 D AK5
C AJ76 C T84

S 4
D T432
C KQ953

After two passes, north might open 1S, 2S or 3S. Over 1S, EAST overcalls 1NT and EW safely reach a 3NT contract. Over 3S East has a problem. He has 4 hearts so a takeout double looks like it might be right, but he also has 2.5 spade stoppers (the ST in dummy will give him a third stopper). If you make a takeout dbl, you might bypass your best stop of 3NT. This is a tough hand. Over 3S, each bid of pass, dbl or 3NT might work out best. This is why people preempt against you, to give you a problem. At imps, being vulnerable, I would bid 3NT on the theory that north is weak, and that my partner has half of the points distributed between South and West. 3NT might be best or at least playable even when you have a 4-4 or 5-4 heart fit. Here 3NT would work like a charm. If you dbl 3S, there is no way your partner with Tx of spades can bid 3NT.

Now, no one MADE 3NT EW, but after the 3S preempt, EAST could very easily make it. Let’s assume they start a spade, play the ten and win in hand. You could then lead a low club, and when south plays low, play an infra-finesse and insert the club 7 (or the jack). When this wins, cash the DIAMOND AK, north will drop the diamond jack. Here you apply the principle of RESTRICTED CHOICE and lead a low diamond and play the diamond nine. You quickly wrap up 4D, 3S, 2C.
To read more about “restricted choice”, see…

6NE-5  500  10.5
4CW-2  200  4.25
4HE-1  100  1.62
3NE-1  100  1.62
3SN-1  -50  -2.12
3SN-2  -100  -3.75
3SN-2  -100  -3.75
3CW=  -110  -3.88
2NE=  -120  -4.5

BOARD 4. Dealer West
Vuln. All

S 9
D Q52
C Q843

S Q86 S AJ75
H 8532 H KQ9
D 94 D A86
C AK52 C J97

S KT432
H 6
C T6

East has a decision to make in third seat. With a balanced hand, 15 hcp, this looks for all the world like a 1NT opening bid (15-17 hcp). But you have to decide if your hand is worth 15 hcp? Many players will subtract for 4333 distribution. Another subtraction is that two of the hcp are in the form of jacks. The spade jack carries its full weight, because it is with an ace, but the lonely club jack is not quite worth a full point either. Also, you have not a single ten. This is very, close, many (most) would 1NT, but on evaluation, an opening bid of 1C is slightly better.

Over 1NT, West hand is just worth a game try. So the bidding should be.. P-1N; 2C-2S; 2NT-all pass. But of course, after you open 1NT, south might bid SOMETHING, so anything could be the contract. Playing Capelletti south will bid 2S, playing DONT South will bid 2D. If south overcalls EASTs 1NT bid with 2S or 2D, west has a problem unless he is playing “negative doubles” after 1NT openings. Most beginners are taught after 1NT double is for penalty, and that is a fine way to play. But this hand shows why some use negative doubles on this auction. If EAST opens 1NT, EW get too high, as the results below show. 2 and 3NT has no play.

3NE-4  400  6.38
3NE-3  300  3.88
3NE-3  300  3.88
2NE-2  200  1.12
2NE-2  200  1.12
2NE-1  100  -1.5
A--  0  0
A--  0  0
1NE=  -90  -6.62

Board 5. Dealer North
Vuln. NS

S 7643
H KJT842
D 5

S AQ5 S K92
H 9 H AQ753
D AJ984 D KT6
C KJ86 C 43

H 6
D Q732
C A9752

If North opens 2H, EAST must pass. He is hoping his partner will “balance” back with a reopening double. In which case EAST can pass. If North passes, east has a bare minimum opening bid of 1H (After which north stays safely out of the auction). After EAST opens, and WEST with 15 count, game will be reached. West will respond 2D and East will raise to 3D or perhaps rebid 2Hs. West will put the contract in notrump. EW can win 1C, 5D, 3S, and 2H, but should at least win 9 tricks.

3DW+1  -130  7.62
2HN-2  -200  6
3NE+1  -430  0.25
3NW+1  -430  0.25
3NW+2  -460  -0.75
3NE+2  -460  -0.75
3NW+3  -490  -1.75
2HNx-2  -500  -1.88
2HNx-3  -800  -9

Board 6. Dealer East
Vuln. EW

D 6532
C 3

S K986 S T542
H J7 H 842
C AK982 C 76

S J3
H T95
D Q94

After two passes, WEST will open 1C and north will overcall 1H. Here what happens next depends upon EAST. Some east’s will make a negative double, This hand is a little light for a negative double for me, but such a double matches well with some peoples style of bidding. If EAST dbls, south will raise to 2H’s, but if EAST passes, south will also. Things could get interesting if both EAST and South pass. If WEST bids 2C, north will make a takeout double, and south will pass (ouch). But if EAST makes a dbl and South bids 2H, West will bid 2S. Now the result of the hand will depend upon who stops bidding first. NS have a play for 3H, EW can make 2S.

2HNx+1  570  10
4SW-2  200  1.75
1NS+2  150  0.25
3HN=  140  -0.12
2HN=  110  -1.12
3SW-1  100  -1.25
1NW-1  100  -1.25
A--  0  0
A--  0  0

Board 7. Dealer South
Vuln. All

S A964
D A9872
C T8

S KQ S 8732
H A9852 H 76
D T D QJ64
C AQ974 C 653

H KT43
D K53

South hand is just not up to an opening bid, yet many will open it anyway. After South passes, West will open 1H. Some people play that a hand like north’s you can make a takeout double and if partner bids clubs, you can “correct” to diamonds on the same level without showing extra strength (popular in Europe). Others play that if they dbl with this hand and then bid over partners likely club suit, it shows extra value. With north I would pass. East will pass and the bid comes back to south. South should now balance with a 1NT bid. When you balance, you are bidding points you expect partner to have because they stopped low. So while an opening 1NT bid shows 15-17 hcp, a balancing 1NT bid can be considerable less. Different players use different ranges, some play 10-15, some 11-14, some 12-14, some 11-16. Here as a passed hand, north will know South has about 11 or 12 no matter what the normal range is. The 1NT bid should end the auction, although a brave West might bid 2C. If so, north will probably bid 2D which will buy the contract. If East bids 3C over 2D he will not like the results as NS will double that one. Even 2C can be set one, and 3C could be down two.
4CW-3  300  7.62
2NS=  120  2.88
2SN=  110  2.75
2SN=  110  2.75
1HW=  -80  -2.5
1HW=  -80  -2.5
3DN-1  -100  -3.25
1HW+1  -110  -3.5
1HW+2  -140  -4.25

Board 8, Dealer West
Vuln. None

S T9
D AK32

S KQ S J8763
H A63 H 874
D QT975 D 6
C Q82 C A953

S A542
H T95
D J84
C K76

This is a funny hand the most likely auction is 1d-1s-1NT but by EITHER side. Lol.
Some people would pas with WEST hands. He has 13 hcp and 5-3 in longest two suits. This looks like a solid RULE 20 opener (13+8=21). But, this hand has considerable minuses, the KQ of spades doubleton is a point subtraction to reduce it to a bare 20. And the “long suits” are of poor quality, suggesting another subtraction. So 1D or PASS both seem ok to me. If WEST opens 1D, north might overcall 1H or pass. A lot of people will not overcall on a four card suit, but this is a very good 4card suit. If north passes. East will bid 1S, and WEST 1NT, which will buy the contract, likely off 1. If West passes, it is north who opens 1D and south who bids 1S. Now North rebids 1NT, which is likely to just make.

2DW-3  150  3
2SE-2  100  1.5
1NN=  90  1
1NW-1  50  -0.25
1NW-1  50  -0.25
2DW-1  50  -0.25
1NW-1  50  -0.25
A--  0  0
A--  0  0

Board 9, Dealer North
Vuln. EW

S T7642
D QJ542
C 96

S KJ953 S 8
H AQ96 H T74
D 6 D AT73
C J75 C AQ842

H J8532
D K98

After two passes, south will open 1H and West is likely to stick in a spade bid. North will pass and EAST will bid 2C South who barely could open will pas, and west facing a passed hand will pass. North can safely balance back with 2D now.
I think I would have lead a club or a spade, but they have no chance to make 1NT. And if your partner jumps up with the heart ACE, they will go down several. Not much to learn here. 2D might be down one, and if EW bid 3C that might be down one also. This shows how sometimes both sides stuggle to buy the contract.

3CE-3  300  8.88
3DN-1  -50  0.38
1NN-1  -50  0.38
2CE=  -90  -0.88
2CE=  -90  -0.88
2HS-2  -100  -1.38
2SW=  -110  -1.75
2SW=  -110  -1.75
2NW+1  -150  -3

Board 10, Dealer East
Vuln. All

S J73
H QT98
D KT83
C A8

S Q842 S AK96
H K62 H J5
D Q74 D J65
C 762 C KQ95

S T5
H A743
D A92
C JT43

East will open 1C, West will respond 1S and East will raise to 2S. That should end the auction. NS might enter the bidding and push EW to 3S.

3HS=  140  5.62
4SW-1  100  4.5
A--  0  0
2SW=  -110  -1.12
2SW=  -110  -1.12
2SW=  -110  -1.12
3SW=  -140  -2.25
3SW=  -140  -2.25
3HS-2  -200  -4.12

Board 11.
Dealer South
Vuln. None

S AQT854
H 7532
C 94

S 97 S K32
H AQ9 H J64
D QJ543 D KT92

S J6
D 876
C Q8763

This hand would be more exciting at matchpoints, where EW will never allow NS to play 2S. After two passes, north might open 1, 2 or even 3S. I think I favor 2S. A bid of 2S might steal the contract. If north opens 2S and this is passed back to WEST, West might balance with a double, and EW should land in 3D, or allow North to play 2Sx. If north opens 1S, Some will bid 1NT with EAST, but I would pass. Remember hand 4 above where with flat 15 hcp and 4333 suggested might not be worth 1NT opening. This is the same kind of 15 hcp hand, and is clearly not worth a 1NT overcall. The bidding is likely then to go P-P-1S-P-1N; P-2S-P-P-P.

3NE-2  100  4.25
3NE-2  100  4.25
5DW-1  50  2.75
2SN-1  -50  -0.12
2SN-2  -100  -1.62
3DW=  -110  -1.62
3DW+1  -130  -2.62
4DW=  -130  -2.62
3DW+1  -130  -2.62

BOARD 12. Dealer West
Vuln. NS

S Q53
H 92
D K842
C A965

S K87 S A964
H 53 H J64
D AT976 D 53
C J87 C KQT2

C 43

After three passes, south has a hand with a bunch of hearts. With this hand I would open 2H in fourth seat. A fourth seat preempt is a different kind of thing. If you think it is their hand, pass. If you think you might go down, pass. Why go negative on a hand you could pass out.? When you open 2 or 3 in the fourth seat, you are showing a fairly good hand but it is all offense and no defense. It should go 2H, all pass. Some NS’s got carried away and bid 4Hs, which should lose 1C, 2S, and a D. If you don’t open 2H, playing 2/1 the bidding might go 1H-1N; 2H all pass. Playing SAYC, 1H-1N; all pass

4HSx=  790  12.12
2HS+2  170  -0.12
3HS+1  170  -0.12
2HS+2  170  -0.12
3HS=  140  -1.12
3HS=  140  -1.12
2HS+1  140  -1.12
2HS+1  140  -1.12
4HS-1  -100  -7.25

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