How high? 11 card fit
Posted 2006-January-27, 02:42
Posted 2006-January-27, 06:28
Sounds like we play similar systems

Posted 2006-January-27, 06:45
MickyB, on Jan 27 2006, 04:13 AM, said:
Oops. Partner has misbid. Never mind, it's still an interesting problem.
Posted 2006-January-27, 06:49
Posted 2006-January-27, 08:31
I dont like 3s that sounds like offering to play a 4-3 spade game (me having the 4). Since i can count 7 tricks (6c +1s)i guess i will try for game in nt and bid 3h (looking for h stopper not partial) give pard a/kh and ks we are gin for addition there are many other holdings where game in nt will make but 4c may be the limit in a suit contract.
adenda it would help if i had noted the 3h bid by opponents. but if they let me make the insufficient q-bid all will be well. else .. i guess im going to vote for 3s....still aiming at 3n and pulling 4s to 5c
Posted 2006-January-27, 09:09

It is known as "Siege", and despite this 1♣ opener it isn't a Fantunes variant. It uses a short club, 14-16 NT except 1st NV when it is 10-13, minor two-suiters always open 1♦, and there are lots of transfers both in contested and uncontested auctions. I've just started entering it into a blog, I'll post the link here shortly.
Posted 2006-January-27, 12:33
- hrothgar
Posted 2006-January-27, 14:43
Posted 2006-January-28, 01:56
- if he has xx♥ and only inviting hand, knowing to loose 2 ♥ tricks, he will bid 4♣
- if he has x♥, 5♣ is for sure a playble contract
- if he has Ax or Kx♥ ( i cant exclude that), 3nt is our contract
Posted 2006-January-28, 07:15
Posted 2006-January-28, 13:43
whereagles, on Jan 27 2006, 01:02 PM, said:
Posted 2006-January-28, 13:47
MickyB, on Jan 28 2006, 08:15 AM, said:
To bid 1NT with 3 small H is not my type, and I will play with this kind of partner either. with the actual holding, 3C would be my choice.
Your opening showed 13+with ♣ or 14-19 bal (could have 4-5 ♦); 1NT showed 5+♣, invitational+. Where next?