1♥ (D) RD (1♠)
p (P) 2♣ (P)
2♦ (2♠) p (p)
Played this hand yesterday and need help with most of the bids.
I opened 1H, LHO doubled and now to the first question what should partner bid, we play 1nt-2d as transfers so we dont have natural 1nt.
what is best , 1S, 1nt, P, redouble ?
Partner choosed redouble, RHO bid 1S, Whats my bid now ? I passed , i only bid when im shapy and weak. next hand pass,and now whats partner's bid ? can she doubled with these spades ? she bid 2C, my rho pass, and what should i bid ? can i or this is forcing ? i think its forcing and i bid 2D, my LHO bid 2S, now what ? should partner double now ? she passed and it waspassed to me, am i still in a forcing situation ? I wasnt sure, and anyway thought we have 21-22+ hcp and no fit the opponents were weak and decided to double (wouldnt do it at imp). the score for -1 was ok but I dont feel we knew what we are doing. So if you can give your opinion for the bids but also explain the forcing principle what ends it, and how do we show extra, how do we differnce between 13 hcp and 10 hcp with responder's hand.