Another awkard hand to bid -->
SAKJ10x Hxx D- CAKxxxx
After reading "2 suits openning" in 2/1 forum, I decide to start with my club suit, then rebid spade twice to show this fabulous hand. Both Vulnerable. However,
South West North East
1C - 1D 1S!
following is really awkard --
X - 2C -
2S - 2NT -
3C - 4C -
5C - - -
Q1. After partner's 2C, I know club is our trump. Since my hand has only 4 losers, I am quite comfortable to go 5C, if pd has second control in heart, and some points, slam is within reach.
How can I pass this information to partner and start cue-bid?
My partner's hand is:
SQ HKxx DAJ10xx CQJxx
Q2. Is 2C is too weak for this hand? What's his choice in second bid?
Q3. If East didn't overcall, what's a good bidding sequence?
My thoughts ->
This is a hand best fit for "fast bidding". A clear bidding sequence definitely will incur a nastly heart lead.
Just don't know what is the fast track for this hand
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Bidding Question V
Posted 2003-May-22, 08:27
Hi Marmot,
1) my bidding had been:
1 Club - 1Diamond (1 Spade)
2 Spade (forcing, asking for stopper)
- (3 Club) (Surprise no stopper )
3 Spade 3 NT (Adv. Cuebid, ok then we
can play 3 NT)
4 CLub 4 Diamond (..maybe more, ok I have a Dia
mond control)
4 Spade (I reall want to play slam, but
have nothing in Hearts.
-6NT So I must play NT to protect
the King)
2) His hand is much too strong for 2 Club. I had bid two club with x,xxx,Axxxx,Qxxx or less...
3) The bidding could be:
1 Club -1 Diamond
1 Spade 2 Heart (4sf)
3 Spade 4 Club (nat and SI)
4 Diamond
(I hate to cuebid voids in Pds suit, but sometimes I have too :-)
5 Club 6 NT (protect the king...)
Kind Regards
1) my bidding had been:
1 Club - 1Diamond (1 Spade)
2 Spade (forcing, asking for stopper)
- (3 Club) (Surprise no stopper )
3 Spade 3 NT (Adv. Cuebid, ok then we
can play 3 NT)
4 CLub 4 Diamond (..maybe more, ok I have a Dia
mond control)
4 Spade (I reall want to play slam, but
have nothing in Hearts.
-6NT So I must play NT to protect
the King)
2) His hand is much too strong for 2 Club. I had bid two club with x,xxx,Axxxx,Qxxx or less...
3) The bidding could be:
1 Club -1 Diamond
1 Spade 2 Heart (4sf)
3 Spade 4 Club (nat and SI)
4 Diamond
(I hate to cuebid voids in Pds suit, but sometimes I have too :-)
5 Club 6 NT (protect the king...)
Kind Regards
Kind Regards
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
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