West lead ♣A and continue with ♣6, you duck ♣3 from dummy and ruff in hand. ♠5, dummy 9 taken by East's ♠Q. East retuen a friendly ♥6, now your turn. West will play low ♥.
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Slim game How would you declare?
Posted 2006-January-18, 23:37
West lead ♣A and continue with ♣6, you duck ♣3 from dummy and ruff in hand. ♠5, dummy 9 taken by East's ♠Q. East retuen a friendly ♥6, now your turn. West will play low ♥.
Posted 2006-January-19, 02:06
The defense have been quite generous here. I can't see making on a cross ruff, so I will lead a small spade from hand now inserting the 9. If this loses to the A, I'm almost home free. If diamonds are returned I stick in the J. My plan is to ruff another club in my hand (with the ♠10 if need be) and to set up ♥s. I can't do everything and if ♥ are 4-1 the defense should find their ruff.
"Half the people you know are below average." - Steven Wright
Posted 2006-January-19, 11:21
After these first four tricks, I suppose I win the heart return in dummy, ruff another club and lead another spade.
I will go down on a club ruff if LHO has ♠Ax.
I will go down on a club ruff if LHO has ♠Ax.
The easiest way to count losers is to line up the people who talk about loser count, and count them. -Kieran Dyke
Posted 2006-January-22, 17:05
Ruff a ♣ and lay down ♥A, if ♥ are 3-2 I hope teh cannot get a ruff, but if they are 4-1 as suposed I hope they ruff with ♠A
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