I vaguely recall reading about differences if opponents have bid 1 suit or 2 suits, but have forgotten, can someone explain please?
Case 1)
LHO opens, partner overcalls, RHO bids something.
Now what does your cue of LHO's suit show? What does cue of RHO's suit show?
Case 2)
Partner opens, RHO bids something.
Now what does your cue of RHO's suit show?
What if you ever have a long long suit and opponents' bid doesn't really show whatever they bid? A few times someone opens 1D and I have 6 diamonds and I cannot bid it and then my P and I miss diamond fit...
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Cue of opponents' suit
Posted 2003-November-24, 11:00
"More and more these days I find myself pondering how to reconcile my net income with my gross habits."
John Nelson.
John Nelson.
Posted 2003-November-24, 11:23
Check out this thread, which is probably what you are looking for.
In reading it, note not everyone agrees what different bids mean. For instance, Luis plays
(1D)-1H-(1S)-2D as unassuming cue-bid, but
(1D)-1H-(1S)-2S as natural. This will not solve your problem hand where you miss your diamond fit.
You should also add snapdragaon doubles too...
I play both the above cue-bids as heart raises.
In reading it, note not everyone agrees what different bids mean. For instance, Luis plays
(1D)-1H-(1S)-2D as unassuming cue-bid, but
(1D)-1H-(1S)-2S as natural. This will not solve your problem hand where you miss your diamond fit.
You should also add snapdragaon doubles too...
I play both the above cue-bids as heart raises.
Posted 2003-November-26, 09:17
some play this
case 1:
(1D) : 1H : (1S)
now 2D shows heart limit+, 2S shows game force with clubs, 2H simple raise, 2C weakish to invitational
case 2:
1H : (1S) : 2S natural, 3S splinter... one thing i've never quite understood is, why are bergen raises off in this type auction? i don't think ben would let his fit jumps be 'off' in competitive auctions (heck they were built for that), so it seems to me the same can be said for bergen since they have to occur at *least* as often as fit jumps
case 1:
(1D) : 1H : (1S)
now 2D shows heart limit+, 2S shows game force with clubs, 2H simple raise, 2C weakish to invitational
case 2:
1H : (1S) : 2S natural, 3S splinter... one thing i've never quite understood is, why are bergen raises off in this type auction? i don't think ben would let his fit jumps be 'off' in competitive auctions (heck they were built for that), so it seems to me the same can be said for bergen since they have to occur at *least* as often as fit jumps
"Paul Krugman is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like." Newt Gingrich (paraphrased)
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