For those who don't know, Riton 2♣ is the use of 1M:1N, 2C (and, I believe, 1H:1S, 2C) as showing any 16+ hand. To free up the 2♣ bid, the 2M openings show 5 cards in that suit and 4+ clubs, 12-15 or so. Hows about...
Replacing the 2♥ opener with Flannery (ok don't condemn it just yet

Bringing in Kaplan Inversion
Using 1♥:1♠, 1N to show the 16+ hand
Plus points:
You have an extra step when opener is strong
The follow-ups could probably be more similar to those after 1♠:1N, 2♣ - you have the same amount of space below two of opener's major, which should be a common place to escape to
1♥:1♠, 2♣ is nice - opener is limited so you can frequently stop in 2♣ instead of having the auction 2♥:3♣, P
Responder can show 5 spades immediately with 1♥:1N
Minus points:
5♥332s - you have to rebid a three card minor
Opener doesn't have a 16+ bid after 1♥:1N
It is only at an early stage of planning...but any thoughts?