Cue bid or natural
Posted 2005-September-12, 15:26
I heard from ppl like Jlall (and the relayers) that many times its more important to show ur hand naturally, and i agree, the problem is how can i define a simple rule or rules that will say when bid is nat and when its cue ? or must i go over each sequence possible with partner , which I think wont end well.
#2 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-12, 15:30
Posted 2005-September-12, 15:43
Jlall, on Sep 12 2005, 04:30 PM, said:
This sounds good but this means you will sometime bypass a normal cue because u dont have the suit lengh needed, this will effect the all cue bidding process which normally the all idea is to find suits with lack of control by passing them.
example 1S-2H-3H-4D
I have good hand with no club control, normally i would bid 4h, but now im not sure, maybe partner has club cntrl but not club nat.
Posted 2005-September-12, 15:51
#5 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-12, 16:02
Flame, on Sep 12 2005, 04:43 PM, said:
Jlall, on Sep 12 2005, 04:30 PM, said:
This sounds good but this means you will sometime bypass a normal cue because u dont have the suit lengh needed, this will effect the all cue bidding process which normally the all idea is to find suits with lack of control by passing them.
example 1S-2H-3H-4D
I have good hand with no club control, normally i would bid 4h, but now im not sure, maybe partner has club cntrl but not club nat.
This is actually a GREAT example auction. Suppose you have:
Isn't the key to slam going to be partner's club holding? If you can bid 4C NATURAL partner will understand club honors are GOOD. If you would bid 4C with this hand as well as with
It will be difficult for partner to know how to evaluate his hand. Is KQx of clubs a good holding? I am convinced natural bidding over 3H is in this auction is a very good way to play, it's not controls that make slam it's tricks. If partner has a good holding in your side suit, he can cuebid past game. If you have a hand that only needs a certain control, you can cuebid past game. It's unlikely you will both have exactly xxx in an unbid suit, so the 5 level will likely be safe.
Posted 2005-September-12, 16:12
1) If a major suit fit is found at the 2-level, our bids are natural through 3M. Higher bids are cuebids.
2) If a major fit is found at the 3-level, the first next bid is somewhat natural and shows a suit where help is appreciated.
There are many logical alternatives to these rules. For instance, if we have already described our shape.
There are also examples where a cuebid sets trump, for instance 1S-2D-2H-2NT-3S-4C, all by us playing 2/1. 4C sets hearts as trump and shows a slam suitable hand. It does not show a club suit.
- hrothgar
#7 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-12, 16:19
Hannie, on Sep 12 2005, 05:12 PM, said:
1) If a major suit fit is found at the 2-level, our bids are natural through 3M. Higher bids are cuebids.
2) If a major fit is found at the 3-level, the first next bid is somewhat natural and shows a suit where help is appreciated.
I like these rules a lot. It is basically what I play, yet I have never seen them formally articulated. Thanks.
Posted 2005-September-12, 16:36
Hannie, on Sep 12 2005, 03:12 PM, said:
Let me get this right. The auction has proceeded:
1S - 2D
2H - 2NT
3S - 4C
4C sets hearts and 4D would set spades?
#9 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-12, 16:39
Posted 2005-September-12, 16:43
Jlall, on Sep 12 2005, 03:39 PM, said:
I was wondering about that.

Posted 2005-September-13, 07:12
How would you bid this hand you provided , given the bidding you mentioned 1S - 2H - 3H - ?
If I follow your posts correctly, you wouldnt bid 3 Spades or 4 Clubs (Cue bids). Would you bid 4 Diamonds? If so, then might not pard assume you have more in diamonds than the Q?
#13 Guest_Jlall_*
Posted 2005-September-13, 07:54
Posted 2005-September-13, 10:03
Elianna, on Sep 12 2005, 05:36 PM, said:
Hannie, on Sep 12 2005, 03:12 PM, said:
Let me get this right. The auction has proceeded:
1S - 2D
2H - 2NT
3S - 4C
4C sets hearts and 4D would set spades?
Err, yes typo, meant sets spades

- hrothgar
Posted 2005-September-13, 10:26
Jlall, on Sep 12 2005, 05:02 PM, said:
Flame, on Sep 12 2005, 04:43 PM, said:
Jlall, on Sep 12 2005, 04:30 PM, said:
This sounds good but this means you will sometime bypass a normal cue because u dont have the suit lengh needed, this will effect the all cue bidding process which normally the all idea is to find suits with lack of control by passing them.
example 1S-2H-3H-4D
I have good hand with no club control, normally i would bid 4h, but now im not sure, maybe partner has club cntrl but not club nat.
This is actually a GREAT example auction. Suppose you have:
Isn't the key to slam going to be partner's club holding? If you can bid 4C NATURAL partner will understand club honors are GOOD. If you would bid 4C with this hand as well as with
It will be difficult for partner to know how to evaluate his hand. Is KQx of clubs a good holding? I am convinced natural bidding over 3H is in this auction is a very good way to play, it's not controls that make slam it's tricks. If partner has a good holding in your side suit, he can cuebid past game. If you have a hand that only needs a certain control, you can cuebid past game. It's unlikely you will both have exactly xxx in an unbid suit, so the 5 level will likely be safe.
The point is well taken and similar to the situations I talked about in another post on "sniffer bids".
But the second hand here is better bid by using "serious" 3N - this 16 count has more than a "casual" interest in slam.
Another problem in these auction is whose suit is being supported? When opener bids a minor and then supports a major there is no guarantee of any particular length in the opened suit: AJxx, AKxx, xx, Jxx.
This doesn't do much good unless 3C is somehow less than a "serious" try.
How do you separate:
KQxxxx, xx, x, KQxx (Axxx, Ax, xx, AJ10xx)
KQxxx, Qxx, AKJx, x (Axxx, AKxx, xx, Qxx)
I contend that with the plethora of available game tries and the lack of definition that the best use for 3S in this auction by responder is "serious" and a slam try - it immediately untangles the bidding and now opener can describe his hand in terms of slam potential instead of game potential and they are quite different beasts.
Using the "serious self raise" in this sequence, opener can now describe a goodish club suit with a 4C bid, a balanced hand with controls and interest with 3N, and an unbalanced hand and interest with any other cue bid.
With this agreement in place, the first hand can bid 3C as a mild try with club support (actually 4C is the correct bid to show doubleton club honor) and the second hand can bid 3 forcing spades and hear a 3N response - now a cue bid of 4C does not need to be supportive as opener has denied a long suit.
When you live out on a desert island like I do, these things actually begin to make sense:

Posted 2005-September-13, 11:29
Posted 2005-September-13, 12:35
Posted 2005-September-14, 02:25
*Until further notice, a game try showing a heart stopper
**Spades stopped
***Cue bid, and btw 3♥ was not a stopper but a cue bid
Posted 2005-September-14, 05:42
Elianna, on Sep 12 2005, 10:36 PM, said:
1S - 2D
2H - 2NT
3S - 4C
4C sets hearts and 4D would set spades?
I think that after
1S - 2D (GF)
2H - 2NT
3C should be checkback, to cater for finding the H fit.