Thanks a lot. That is great data. Though I admit I had to read the introduction several times to understand what the tables mean, particularly the light colors and the overbids.
It shows that my assumptions about the tricks were not that bad. With 25 HCP I had put the probabilities for making 10(+)/9/8/7(-) tricks at 20/30/30/20, actually it is 19.53/34.59/30.33/15.55 for 9 vs. 16 HCP. It also shows an interesting mistake I made. I had assumed that the probability of making 3NT is 50 %. But I actually knew it is > 50 % while for 24 HCP it is < 50 HCP, so I should have assumed 55 % and calculated with 25/30/30/15 even better to the true values.
Trick13, on 2017-May-23, 23:26, said:
Richard Pavlicek has made a detailed analysis
here. My take from this is that it is only with balanced hands and 24 hcp distributed relatively evenly between the two hands, IMPS scoring and vulnerable, that if you find yourself in 2NT you are better to blast 3NT.
Well that has nothing to do with pass-or-blast. I found that a very interesting detail in itself. It means that if you hold 15 HCP and get invited with 9 HCP, you have a total of 24 HCP and your optimal contract is 1NT BUT now that you were raised to 2NT you are already on the bad side and you should now raise again to 3NT because, although 3NT is worse than 1NT, it is still better than 2NT.
You can see from this data that the invitation itself costs ~ 1 IMP/board which must be recovered in order to score positive. I'm still looking at the 24 HCP table in the balanced section focusing on vulnerable boards. The overbid column shows how much you lose if you blast to 3NT rather than play 1NT. As long as this loss is 0.81 or less, you are supposed to raise 2NT to 3NT and suffer the loss in the overbid column. Only when the overbid loss is 1.10 or more, you're better off passing 2NT and swallow the invitation loss.
Another detail can be read from the table immediately. If vulnerable opposite a 15 - 17 1NT, responder with 9 HCP should always blast to 3NT, never invite! Because opposite 9 HCP opener should always accept an invitation: With 16 or 17 HCP, 3NT is the optimal contract, and with 15 HCP 3NT is an overbid but still better than 2NT. So if you ever invite (vulnerable), it should be with 8 HCP only.
I redid my part of my former calculation to see how much the result changes when I use the probabilities from Richard Pavlicek's study. I used the 14 - 17 1NT opener since there was no discussion about when to accept an invitation and when not. The former values for pass-or-plast vs. inviting with 8/9 was +0.36 non-vulnerable, +0.41 vulnerable. The improved values are +0.23 non-vulnerable, +0.22 vulnerable, all in IMPs/board.
Now that we know that inviting with 9 points is not a good idea, I re-did the calculation with the most positive scenario for invitations I could think of. Responder only invites with 8 HCP, opener accepts with 16 or 17 HCP, rejects only with 15 HCP. The result now is +0.4997 non-vulnerable and -0.0111 vulnerable. So finally we end up with a small arithmetic advantage for the invitation: ~ 1/100 of an IMP/board only for the very special case that resopnder has a more or less balanced distribution with exactly 8 HCP, no 4-card major, opposite exactly 15 HCP with opener, vulnerable. You really want to reserve a bid for that? And we haven't even taken into account the disadvantages such as giving opponents a hint about the lead or telling them opener's exact HCPs.
Trick13, on 2017-May-23, 23:26, said:
Working on better hand evaluation methods would probably yield better dividends.
Oh yes, I definitely agree, but this is not mutually exclusive.