By gosh I've earned my 0 so I will keep it.
Of course, if the Bridge God wants me to win perhaps a positive score will develop....
Judgment check - sit or go?
Posted 2018-February-17, 16:01
I guess to pass but I wouldn't have this problem b/c I would have passed rather than opened 1c
I suspect n/s had a big d fit and 4nt was the winner
I suspect n/s had a big d fit and 4nt was the winner
Posted 2018-February-17, 17:24
I'm also passing at this point.
If partner wanted to a take a red suit sac, partner could have bid 4 NT.
I also wouldn't have open this hand even in 3rd seat.
If partner wanted to a take a red suit sac, partner could have bid 4 NT.
I also wouldn't have open this hand even in 3rd seat.
Posted 2018-February-18, 00:10
perko90, on 2018-February-16, 12:35, said:
Match Points, N Deals, NV vs NV, you're South with:
♠ x
♥ QJx
♦ Jxxx
♣ AQT9x
Auction goes:
♠ x
♥ QJx
♦ Jxxx
♣ AQT9x
Auction goes:
Partner has sent a message "They can't make it" If you remove it you're effectively
saying"I saw your double partner but I don't believe you,you're a liar" Partner,however suspect,
must be trusted so pass and keep the faith. If it boomerangs you can always bawl partner out later (!)

"It is not enough to be a good player, you must also play well"
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2018-February-18, 08:40
PhilG007, on 2018-February-18, 00:10, said:
Partner has sent a message "They can't make it" If you remove it you're effectively
saying"I saw your double partner but I don't believe you,you're a liar" Partner,however suspect,
must be trusted so pass and keep the faith. If it boomerangs you can always bawl partner out later (!)
saying"I saw your double partner but I don't believe you,you're a liar" Partner,however suspect,
must be trusted so pass and keep the faith. If it boomerangs you can always bawl partner out later (!)

It's not as simple as that (and I'm not criticizing, I know you're responding to the actual layout).
First, read the post of JanisW, who seems to have been the partner deceived by the 1♣ opener. If you know that partner anticipated the possibility of the trash you decided to open, pass. If opener suspects that the doubler has been mislead, further action is certainly under consideration.
For example, in third seat (or any seat) I'd open
x x KJ10xx AQxxxx
1♣ without a second thought. Maybe I'd bid over the 4♠ call, let's say I didn't. But when North doubles for the second time, do you really expect to beat 4♠? Isn't 5♦ looking very attractive?
I know that the above example isn't the actual case. Like just about everyone else, I think the 1♣ bid was an abomination and was 99% responsible for the bad result. On this hand North made a "partnership" penalty double, based on the assumption that South had reasonable values and balanced (or semi-balanced) shape for his bid. In the actual case South "made his bed now he has to lie in it". But, your hand is always subject to re-evaluation.
Posted 2018-February-18, 09:19
No I was not sitting in North and neither in South for what it matters.
To sum it up, I was just trying to express that you should seriously consider bidding on, if this is considerably worse than P could expect from you.
If I came across as sitting N it's probably because sometimes I'm too superficial with my Grammar, (I'm no native English speaker)
To sum it up, I was just trying to express that you should seriously consider bidding on, if this is considerably worse than P could expect from you.
If I came across as sitting N it's probably because sometimes I'm too superficial with my Grammar, (I'm no native English speaker)
Posted 2018-February-18, 09:35
I think a good general principle in these sorts of situations is that you should only pull the double if you have more than you have promised, not because you have less. That is, pull if f you have significant additional offensive values, such as at least six clubs, or an undisclosed five card side suit. You dont pull just because you have a king or so less than you should have in defensive values. In such situations you have to cross your fingers and hope that partner has good values, or what limited values you do have are well placed.