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Analyse this!

#1 User is offline   MrAce 

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Posted 2017-June-08, 20:32

In middle east region everything that happens is because of an economical war between Russia and USA. Most of you know that already but i will try to explain things from a different point of view, much more different than you are used to hear from CNN, Fox or Msnbc. In order to do that I will give a summary of how things work. If you believe everything going on there is mostly due to religions, regimes, ideas and ethnic groups and/or because of international terror, you may as well stop reading here.

US Economy: Us economy depends on the existence of US dollar and its value. Existence and value of US dollar depends on the money system in the world to be indexed to US dollar. And in order for world money system to be indexed to US dollar, number one energy source (oil) has to be valued by US $ currency. So the US dollar is no more just a paper money currency but also and mainly a "oildollar" currency. EVERYTHING that threatens this is a HUGE threat for USA that needs to be taken care of immediately. In addition to this, the number 2 energy source, natural gas, a serious alternative for energy source oil, should not be in any way shape or form be out of control of USA. This is also a very big threat that needs to be dealt with for USA.

Russian Economy: Russia has the biggest natural gas reserves in the world. And their economy relies on the value that they will receive from the sale of this energy source. And the value they will get from this energy source relies on having a monopoly on natural gas market and their ability to determine the price by themselves. And their ability to decide the price of their product relies on their ability to control other 2 natural gas providers which are IRAN and QATAR!

Now let's start;

Russia + Iran + Qatar holds 55% of world's natural gas reserves while USA has only 5%. Iran has been kept out of market for a long time now by international sanctions of US and its allies. That made QATAR number 2 provider of natural gas in the world. USA is far from being competitor, considering their reserves and their distance from the rich clients, such as European and Asian customers. But USA, has to be in this game in order to prevent Russia + Iran + Qatar and the energy source they have, to interfere with their "oildollar" currency which directly affects US economy and US power. But how will USA do this? Fasten your seat belts and take a brief and fast memory trip in your head and remember things that happened in last couple decades....

As I said above, OIL is being sold on US $ currency. There is NO other way of doing it. Anyone who tried or tries alternative currency faces immediately with so called "Democracy Operation" of USA. Although there are so many countries who asked USA for help and demanded democracy, USA only made these "Democracy Operations" to countries whose rulers seek alternative currency. ALL of the OIL providing countries are either close friend or ally or defense partner of USA. They have to be. US makes defense deals and partnership agreements with those countries and assure that they will protect them and sell them guns and weapons etc. Who are they protecting them from? In fact USA is protecting them from USA. Because ANYONE, ANY COUNTRY who rejects this type of deal(s) with USA faces an immediate "Democracy Operations" ! So the "oildollar" currency keeps USA and its economy in good shape. HOWEVER.....

Very fast growing natural gas demand and its pricing is EXTREMELY important for USA. Knowing that they do not have enough reserves and geographical disadvantage to the clients, the threat of natural gas and its market and its effects on "oildollar" currency is a NIGHTMARE for USA for while now. Russia + Iran + Qatar are not countries that USA can intimidate as they did to others. So they had to do something about it.

Let's start with IRAN; a country that insisted on selling their oil out of "oildollar" currency. As I said this is a NO NO for USA. Also they hold the #2 reserves of natural gas in the world. They do not want to make deals with USA. So what should USA do about IRAN? Iran needs to be isolated from the world! I will not bug you guys with details that you already know that happened in last 3-4 decades.

RUSSIA; I will not bother to list the threats of Russia and their economy for USA. It would be a very long list. But in order to weaken Russian economy, USA needs to weaken their income. In order to do that USA needed to drop the prices of OIL. When oil prices go down, the competitor energy source, natural gas prices also has to drop otherwise they lose their market to oil. Also, the drop in oil prices will affect the countries who made long term natural gas deals with Russia, such as Turkey and EU nations. Which pushes them to reconsider their deals with Russia.

Here the real story and strategy of USA begins.

QATAR and its natural gas reserves can be alternative for Turkish and European market. But natural gas can not be transported by ships like oil does. They need a pipeline for this. But there are multiple problems that needs to be taken care of for a pipeline to be built.
  • Cost of the project, which varies depending on the length and through which countries it will go. Billions of $.
  • Cost of expropriation in countries that it will go through
  • Cost of investments, bribery to local politicians etc etc...
  • Security of pipeline. In order to secure a pipeline they need countries on the pipeline path who assures the security of the pipeline.***

So USA and its allies decide to built a pipeline that goes through Syria and Turkey and delivered to Europe! Qatar who sells the natural gas, Syria and Turkey and all those who will do the job and make a lot of money are happy. USA is happy because this will hit Russia hard. Assad is called a good friend and democratic leader of Syria!! Turkey suddenly forgets the past and becomes close with Syria (not long time ago) Only one is not happy in this equation, in fact this is a nightmare for them, is Russia!

Russia takes stage at this point. Suddenly, out of nowhere Assad rejects the project and the pipeline that comes from QATAR and decides to partner with Russia and Iran and allow them to built a pipeline for Iran natural gas to be delivered to Mediterranean!!! Suddenly Assad is not the "good friend" anymore. Suddenly he is not the "democratic leader of Syria" anymore for USA and its allies, especially for Turkey! The nightmare of Russia suddenly becomes the nightmare of USA!! Now it becomes something for Russians to smile and USA, Turkey, Qatar to be mad!

So there is only one way for USA to prevent this from happening! Which is to make sure that the pipeline Russians and Iran planning to built will not be a safe and reliable pipeline! Suddenly so called terrorist groups start to pop up like mushrooms in the region!! ISIS, Al-Nusra, Kurds, PKK and this and that...Beheading and all sorts of violence. .OMG nobody know where they came from except the kurds who were always there!! Who finances them? Where do they get all these training and equipment and weapons? Suddenly western world pretend like they started to see the human right violations in Syria! In order to make pipeline insecure, there should not be a country on its path, such as Syria who can assure the security. Suddenly Syria explodes!! Bloodshed and all, good brother Assad short time ago is now called a "dictator" and no more "democratic leader of Syria!! This way USA cuts the path of the pipeline! Migration of people from Syria is justified! After all it is not the economical war that ruined the life of so many innocent people, it was not the economical war that destroyed their houses, lives, jobs but a dictator!!

This is where the movie CNN, Fox and other European media wants us to watch begins. Fanatic muslims, kurds, shia, sunni, anti semantic, democracy defenders, ethnic fights and violence, bombings etc etc. so people who watch the movie justifies the operations against these suddenly popped up violence! USA needs to justify the operations and in order to do that people in this region should be shown as a great enemy to American people! After all, weren't those 11 Vahabis who decided out of no where to declare Jihad on #1 power in the world and attacked them on 9/11? So many people lose their lives having little or no clue whatsoever who actually hit them! What hit them is actually just an economical war and the countries who wants to lead the path of the project and the security of the supply. Media and politicians start beating the air with anger and humanitarian speeches against so called "terrorism" "extremists" "radical groups". People watch this 3rd class movie holding their breath!

After Syria being intentionally put in chaos, Russia had to interfere. Russians first get in to an amazing diplomacy traffic with countries who are related to this project! But they need to have a leverage on Turkey and Turkey jumps on bait like a stupid bass jumps on steel hook! Russian bomber being shot down. Russia acts gentle on Turkey afterwards. Then USA gets annoyed with this Russia and Turkey relations which started to improve suddenly. Russian ambassador gets shot, and so called coup attempt that was triggered from PA USA and all....

You may of course wonder Qatar and why it has been diplomatically isolated by its all neighbors. Why suddenly USA decided Qatar is the #1 threat in terrorism? Russia, knowing that Qatar lost its west pipeline project, decides to be pd with Qatar instead of competing with them! In last month of 2016, 19.5% share of ROSNEFT, which is the biggest government controlled oil company of Russia, is sold to a consortium that has national Qatar funds in it for 10.5 Billion . Basically Qatar becomes partner of Russia in this sector and betrays USA. What else could USA do other than SUDDENLY declaring QATAR such a big threat for the world!

Thanks for reading if you made this far, I know it was a long analysis!Posted Image
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Posted 2017-June-08, 22:59

And how does the fact that Obama used a plane load of Euros to bribe Iran if your "theory" is correct?

#3 User is offline   MrAce 

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Posted 2017-June-09, 00:50

View Postspotlight7, on 2017-June-08, 22:59, said:

And how does the fact that Obama used a plane load of Euros to bribe Iran if your "theory" is correct?

Looks like you haven't read or could not understand things that I wrote. Even if we assume what you say is a fact, US will do ANYTHING and ANY strategy to convince the countries who rejects to comply with US "oildollar" currency! So what made you think my "theory" (which are basic facts if you ask me) says US would not do this or that in order to keep them in line? US will interfere economically, politically and military wise if necessary to prevent countries who are willing to change "oildollar" currency at all costs! What is it in my posts made you think that it conflicts with US trying to bribe Iran?

You can of course believe the politicians and media and keep on watching the movie that they want you to see and believe it to be true. You can of course explain to your own self about suddenly popped up extremists, radical groups, freedom fighters and all. The moves Russia made, the moves USA made so far and believe that they are ALL working hard against terrorism and extremists abd all they want is to help these poor people in the region while they do not even want to spare much smaller amount of money in their own country for their own people regarding education and healthcare....I don't Posted Image
"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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Posted 2017-June-09, 02:10

It certainly makes an interesting read, Timo. Beyond this analysis, it is also worth looking at the Wikipedia entry for LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) to realise how important this commodity has become in recent years.


#5 User is offline   MrAce 

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Posted 2017-June-09, 03:13

View PostThe_Badger, on 2017-June-09, 02:10, said:

It certainly makes an interesting read, Timo. Beyond this analysis, it is also worth looking at the Wikipedia entry for LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) to realise how important this commodity has become in recent years.


I will check it. Thanks!
"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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Posted 2017-June-09, 04:39

Here is the "bloody dictator" Assad!! He sure looks like having less fear than democratic US presidents when walking among his own people!
"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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Posted 2017-June-12, 17:15


1. Your analysis provides great food for thought on how regional alliances in the Middle East have shifted to accommodate the interests of the USA.

2. The Qatar-Turkey pipeline did have an alternative proposed route {thru Iraq instead of Syria} but the rape of Iraq over the past 15 years meant the alternative was never an option.

3. There are other instances where actions of the US Govt have been exclusively for the benefit of the US private sector. A beautiful read is "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.

4. I think we have been indoctrinated by the mainstream media into believing that the "world view" promoted by the Western democracies is the ONLY TRUE world view. In some ways, it resembles the 19th century view on religion -- i.e. "my god" is the ONLY TRUE god. The difference is that the 21st century Westerner gives not much importance to religion, instead the "fight" now is on liberty and democracy.

5. Finally, I find it interesting that a Turkish-American based in the US spends considerable time on posting this. Yet most other Americans barely seem to read it, let alone comment. In contrast, the Trump thread continues to accumulate tons of lengthy posts full of meaningless drivel.

Thank you for posting.

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Posted 2017-June-12, 22:48

Thank you Mr Ace for trying to counter "Fake News" with plausible explanations. Oil is important but the arms-industry is big business too. Saudi Arabia has similar interests to the US. As well as helping ISIS attack Syria, it fosters more Hell in the Yemen and Qatar. No wonder Trump's peaceful overtures to Russia were so unpopular.

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Posted 2017-June-13, 11:30

I understand that country delivering to another country would want to use a pipeline, but that is not the only way LNG can be transported.


Pipelines carry hydrocarbon gas liquids from where they are produced to where they are stored
Most of the HGL produced in the United States are transported in pipelines from where they are produced to places where they are used or to places where they are stored for distribution.

Most of HGL transported by pipeline is Y-grade quality and is transported to fractionation plants. E-P mix is mostly transported in pipelines from fractionation plants to ethylene crackers, where it is used to produce ethylene and other olefins. On the Gulf Coast, P/P mix is often transported by dedicated pipelines to propylene splitters that separate refinery-grade (lower grade or quality) propylene into higher quality, polymer-grade or chemical-grade propylene, which is then sold to petrochemical plants. Propane and normal butane are transported in liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)1 pipelines or in batches as purity products in pipelines that transport other kinds of petroleum products.

Railroads and trucks transport HGL to consumers
There are many regions in the United States (like the West, New England, and Florida) that are not served by HGL pipelines. In these areas, railroads often transport large volumes of HGL to wholesale and bulk purchasers in pressurized railroad tankcars. Railroads and trucks are also used to transport HGL to consumers. The primary HGL product delivered to consumers is consumer-grade propane, which is transported by truck in pressurized tanks to homes, farms, and businesses where it can be used as engine fuel, for crop drying, for space heating and water heating, and for cooking, among other applications.

Special ships are used to transport HGL to and from the United States
Special ships are used to transport HGL (usually LPG1) to and from shipping ports in the United States. The ships, called gas tankers, vary in size and vary by the method used to keep the HGL in liquid form. The HGL may be pressurized, refrigerated, or both. Over short distances, propane and normal butane are also moved by barge along intercoastal waterways and navigable rivers.

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Posted 2017-June-13, 15:42

View PostMrAce, on 2017-June-09, 00:50, said:

Looks like you haven't read or could not understand things that I wrote. Even if we assume what you say is a fact, US will do ANYTHING and ANY strategy to convince the countries who rejects to comply with US "oildollar" currency! So what made you think my "theory" (which are basic facts if you ask me) says US would not do this or that in order to keep them in line? US will interfere economically, politically and military wise if necessary to prevent countries who are willing to change "oildollar" currency at all costs! What is it in my posts made you think that it conflicts with US trying to bribe Iran?

You can of course believe the politicians and media and keep on watching the movie that they want you to see and believe it to be true. You can of course explain to your own self about suddenly popped up extremists, radical groups, freedom fighters and all. The moves Russia made, the moves USA made so far and believe that they are ALL working hard against terrorism and extremists abd all they want is to help these poor people in the region while they do not even want to spare much smaller amount of money in their own country for their own people regarding education and healthcare....I don't Posted Image

Here is another such explanation for the current state of affairs. It is quite cogent and well-written (the author is Chinese, I gather) and puts a lot of pieces into place. Worth the read.

The almighty $

[Editor’s Note: In April, Qiao Liang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, “Unrestricted War.”
In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories and concluded that the U.S. enforces the dollar as the global currency to preserve its hegemony over the world. The U.S. will try everything, including war, to maintain the dollar’s dominance in global trading. He also discussed China’s strategy, to rise as a super power, amid the U.S.’s containment.

The following are excerpts from his speech.] [1]

I. The Situation Surrounding China and the Secret of the U.S. Dollar Index Cycle

A. The First Financial Empire in History... etc.

The Grand Design, reflected in the face of's a fluke!

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Posted 2017-June-13, 17:33

View PostAl_U_Card, on 2017-June-13, 15:42, said:

Here is another such explanation for the current state of affairs. It is quite cogent and well-written (the author is Chinese, I gather) and puts a lot of pieces into place. Worth the read.

The almighty $

[Editor's Note: In April, Qiao Liang, a People's Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, "Unrestricted War."
In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories and concluded that the U.S. enforces the dollar as the global currency to preserve its hegemony over the world. The U.S. will try everything, including war, to maintain the dollar's dominance in global trading. He also discussed China's strategy, to rise as a super power, amid the U.S.'s containment.

The following are excerpts from his speech.] [1]

I. The Situation Surrounding China and the Secret of the U.S. Dollar Index Cycle

A. The First Financial Empire in History... etc.

Thanks I just read it after your post and indeed it is interesting.
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"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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Posted 2017-June-13, 18:00

View Postshyams, on 2017-June-12, 17:15, said:


3. There are other instances where actions of the US Govt have been exclusively for the benefit of the US private sector. A beautiful read is "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.

Thank you for posting.

Thanks, i will read it.
"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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Posted 2017-June-13, 18:30

View PostWinstonm, on 2017-June-13, 11:30, said:

I understand that country delivering to another country would want to use a pipeline, but that is not the only way LNG can be transported.

Anyone who tries to compete with Iran and Russia in selling their natural gas with any method other than pipeline (Qatar), will lose the competition.
"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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Posted 2017-June-15, 22:11

View PostMrAce, on 2017-June-13, 17:33, said:

Thanks I just read it after your post and indeed it is interesting.

That is beyond interesting. It is more cogent and logically written than any propaganda our media has put together.

I have been talking about the petrodollar with respect to our debt and foreign policy, but it's hard to convince folks of the economic/financial underpinnings if the news media bombards the airwaves with nothing but conveniently timed heinous acts of terrorism.

The fourth estate (media) knows that FEAR/ENTERTAINMENT can be used as a tool to keep the populace in check and hamper its ability to really understand foreign policy.

Excellent read.

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Posted 2017-June-15, 23:23

View PostMrAce, on 2017-June-13, 18:30, said:

Anyone who tries to compete with Iran and Russia in selling their natural gas with any method other than pipeline (Qatar), will lose the competition.


Enter new sanctions on Iran & Russia with an overwhelming majority vote in the Senate (98-2). How surprising. . .

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Posted 2017-June-16, 06:59

View PostMrAce, on 2017-June-08, 20:32, said:

In middle east region everything that happens is because of an economical war between Russia and USA. Most of you know that already but i will try to explain things from a different point of view, much more different than you are used to hear from CNN, Fox or Msnbc. In order to do that I will give a summary of how things work. If you believe everything going on there is mostly due to religions, regimes, ideas and ethnic groups and/or because of international terror, you may as well stop reading here.

US Economy: Us economy depends on the existence of US dollar and its value. Existence and value of US dollar depends on the money system in the world to be indexed to US dollar. And in order for world money system to be indexed to US dollar, number one energy source (oil) has to be valued by US $ currency. So the US dollar is no more just a paper money currency but also and mainly a "oildollar" currency. EVERYTHING that threatens this is a HUGE threat for USA that needs to be taken care of immediately. In addition to this, the number 2 energy source, natural gas, a serious alternative for energy source oil, should not be in any way shape or form be out of control of USA. This is also a very big threat that needs to be dealt with for USA.

Russian Economy: Russia has the biggest natural gas reserves in the world. And their economy relies on the value that they will receive from the sale of this energy source. And the value they will get from this energy source relies on having a monopoly on natural gas market and their ability to determine the price by themselves. And their ability to decide the price of their product relies on their ability to control other 2 natural gas providers which are IRAN and QATAR!

Now let's start;

Russia + Iran + Qatar holds 55% of world's natural gas reserves while USA has only 5%. Iran has been kept out of market for a long time now by international sanctions of US and its allies. That made QATAR number 2 provider of natural gas in the world. USA is far from being competitor, considering their reserves and their distance from the rich clients, such as European and Asian customers. But USA, has to be in this game in order to prevent Russia + Iran + Qatar and the energy source they have, to interfere with their "oildollar" currency which directly affects US economy and US power. But how will USA do this? Fasten your seat belts and take a brief and fast memory trip in your head and remember things that happened in last couple decades....

As I said above, OIL is being sold on US $ currency. There is NO other way of doing it. Anyone who tried or tries alternative currency faces immediately with so called "Democracy Operation" of USA. Although there are so many countries who asked USA for help and demanded democracy, USA only made these "Democracy Operations" to countries whose rulers seek alternative currency. ALL of the OIL providing countries are either close friend or ally or defense partner of USA. They have to be. US makes defense deals and partnership agreements with those countries and assure that they will protect them and sell them guns and weapons etc. Who are they protecting them from? In fact USA is protecting them from USA. Because ANYONE, ANY COUNTRY who rejects this type of deal(s) with USA faces an immediate "Democracy Operations" ! So the "oildollar" currency keeps USA and its economy in good shape. HOWEVER.....

Very fast growing natural gas demand and its pricing is EXTREMELY important for USA. Knowing that they do not have enough reserves and geographical disadvantage to the clients, the threat of natural gas and its market and its effects on "oildollar" currency is a NIGHTMARE for USA for while now. Russia + Iran + Qatar are not countries that USA can intimidate as they did to others. So they had to do something about it.

Let's start with IRAN; a country that insisted on selling their oil out of "oildollar" currency. As I said this is a NO NO for USA. Also they hold the #2 reserves of natural gas in the world. They do not want to make deals with USA. So what should USA do about IRAN? Iran needs to be isolated from the world! I will not bug you guys with details that you already know that happened in last 3-4 decades.

RUSSIA; I will not bother to list the threats of Russia and their economy for USA. It would be a very long list. But in order to weaken Russian economy, USA needs to weaken their income. In order to do that USA needed to drop the prices of OIL. When oil prices go down, the competitor energy source, natural gas prices also has to drop otherwise they lose their market to oil. Also, the drop in oil prices will affect the countries who made long term natural gas deals with Russia, such as Turkey and EU nations. Which pushes them to reconsider their deals with Russia.

Here the real story and strategy of USA begins.

QATAR and its natural gas reserves can be alternative for Turkish and European market. But natural gas can not be transported by ships like oil does. They need a pipeline for this. But there are multiple problems that needs to be taken care of for a pipeline to be built.
  • Cost of the project, which varies depending on the length and through which countries it will go. Billions of $.
  • Cost of expropriation in countries that it will go through
  • Cost of investments, bribery to local politicians etc etc...
  • Security of pipeline. In order to secure a pipeline they need countries on the pipeline path who assures the security of the pipeline.***

So USA and its allies decide to built a pipeline that goes through Syria and Turkey and delivered to Europe! Qatar who sells the natural gas, Syria and Turkey and all those who will do the job and make a lot of money are happy. USA is happy because this will hit Russia hard. Assad is called a good friend and democratic leader of Syria!! Turkey suddenly forgets the past and becomes close with Syria (not long time ago) Only one is not happy in this equation, in fact this is a nightmare for them, is Russia!

Russia takes stage at this point. Suddenly, out of nowhere Assad rejects the project and the pipeline that comes from QATAR and decides to partner with Russia and Iran and allow them to built a pipeline for Iran natural gas to be delivered to Mediterranean!!! Suddenly Assad is not the "good friend" anymore. Suddenly he is not the "democratic leader of Syria" anymore for USA and its allies, especially for Turkey! The nightmare of Russia suddenly becomes the nightmare of USA!! Now it becomes something for Russians to smile and USA, Turkey, Qatar to be mad!

This is where the movie CNN, Fox and other European media wants us to watch begins. Fanatic muslims, kurds, shia, sunni, anti semantic, democracy defenders, ethnic fights and violence, bombings etc etc. so people who watch the movie justifies the operations against these suddenly popped up violence! USA needs to justify the operations and in order to do that people in this region should be shown as a great enemy to American people! After all, weren't those 11 Vahabis who decided out of no where to declare Jihad on #1 power in the world and attacked them on 9/11? So many people lose their lives having little or no clue whatsoever who actually hit them! What hit them is actually just an economical war and the countries who wants to lead the path of the project and the security of the supply. Media and politicians start beating the air with anger and humanitarian speeches against so called "terrorism" "extremists" "radical groups". People watch this 3rd class movie holding their breath!

You may of course wonder Qatar and why it has been diplomatically isolated by its all neighbors. Why suddenly USA decided Qatar is the #1 threat in terrorism? Russia, knowing that Qatar lost its west pipeline project, decides to be pd with Qatar instead of competing with them! In last month of 2016, 19.5% share of ROSNEFT, which is the biggest government controlled oil company of Russia, is sold to a consortium that has national Qatar funds in it for 10.5 Billion . Basically Qatar becomes partner of Russia in this sector and betrays USA. What else could USA do other than SUDDENLY declaring QATAR such a big threat for the world!

Thanks for reading if you made this far, I know it was a long analysis!Posted Image

Mr Ace, very nice analysis. Very well done.

The Qatar diplomacy slip-up and the mixed messaging from the U.S. made me dig deeper. Qatar is so geographically small, that it didn't make sense for it to become this huge terror threat all of a sudden. The narrative the media provided had cracks especially since I had learned about the petrodollar.

Qatar has the 13th largest proven oil reserves in the world. And as you mentioned they have the 3rd largest natural proven gas reserves in the world as well. The $ angle makes much more sense than the "feeling" (terror) angle. My rational mind rejects the media narrative as biased.

What really resonated with me is how the Qatar gulf crisis was "back page news" to the "McCarthyism" Comey/Sessions hearings in the Senate and the Scalise shooting. Yet with all of the domestic national security chaos in Washington, the Senate passed new Iran and Russia economic sanctions the day after the shooting. Fascinating priorities. jpg

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Posted 2017-June-19, 12:02

View PostMrAce, on 2017-June-13, 18:30, said:

Anyone who tries to compete with Iran and Russia in selling their natural gas with any method other than pipeline (Qatar), will lose the competition.

I know this relates to oil, but still.....


How did I miss this one and how do you think it fits into the larger picture? Anybody?

Also, I guess on some level we are offering Saudi Arabia world class investment expertise with their anticipated $2.1 trillion dollar IPO. Wall Street must be salivating over this opportunity. Thinking about it harder now, Saudi Arabia is having fiscal problems with oil sitting around $44.97 barrel. They have built their budget assumptions on oil prices remaining in the $80-$100 zone to adequately finance government operations and maintain their royal wealth.

Since the oil commodity market is glutted right now with low oil prices, Saudi Arabia has to examine other wealth creating opportunities such as buying oil interests in U.S. markets to quickly raise capital and hopefully monetize that equity in a newly formed multinational corporation.

Short-term and long term capital gains and petrodollar opportunities abound.

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Posted 2017-June-19, 15:04

It is an interesting analysis.

One counterpoint though. As I understand, the middle east has been a region of conflict since long before the USA or Russia existed. I think there must be some other reasons, maybe some of those you discounted perhaps? (religions, regimes, ideas and ethnic groups)
Life is long and beautiful, if bad things happen, good things will follow.

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Posted 2017-June-19, 18:48

View PostMrAce, on 2017-June-09, 00:50, said:

Looks like you haven't read or could not understand things that I wrote. Even if we assume what you say is a fact, US will do ANYTHING and ANY strategy to convince the countries who rejects to comply with US "oildollar" currency! So what made you think my "theory" (which are basic facts if you ask me) says US would not do this or that in order to keep them in line? US will interfere economically, politically and military wise if necessary to prevent countries who are willing to change "oildollar" currency at all costs! What is it in my posts made you think that it conflicts with US trying to bribe Iran?

You can of course believe the politicians and media and keep on watching the movie that they want you to see and believe it to be true. You can of course explain to your own self about suddenly popped up extremists, radical groups, freedom fighters and all. The moves Russia made, the moves USA made so far and believe that they are ALL working hard against terrorism and extremists abd all they want is to help these poor people in the region while they do not even want to spare much smaller amount of money in their own country for their own people regarding education and healthcare....I don't Posted Image

Well these terror groups need additional funding from somewhere.

Oh where, oh where could they get such funding?


While it's not intentional, we must be careful.

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Posted 2017-June-21, 04:18

"Genius has its own limitations, however stupidity has no such boundaries!"
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"

"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."


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