Match points. When dummy hits table East calls director and explains that there has been a hessitation and dummy has accepted his own invitation.
North doesn't say much, he is kinda unexperienced.
South argues that he will never pass 3 spades and was considering double or 4 hearts. Director instructs all to continue play and call back after the deal if there was damage.
The result is +420 NS, EW call again.
Now south disputes that there was any hessitation by north since he is a weak player and always thinks. Both East and West agree on hessitations, although one says 15 seconds the other says 10.
South says that pass was not an option since either 4 hearts is good to make, or as a sacrafice against 3 spades, or if 3 spades is down then double is best, but pass is not.
South agrees that with no overcall he would only invite to partner bidding 1NT forcing then 3 hearts.
West also argues that he was going to bid 4 spades over north's 4 hearts if he was able to, but when south bid 4 hearts after hessitating, he though south should be quite strong and have a solid opening strength, and also north seemed to have mild extras so he didn't want to bid 4 at this vulenrability anymore.