They doubled my strong 1NT for penalty. Now what?
Posted 2015-February-10, 14:02
Posted 2015-February-10, 14:09
2C = 5+ clubs, to play
2D = 5+ diamonds, to play
2H = 5+ hearts, to play
2S = 5+ spades, to play
pass = to play
redouble = to play
The 3 level follows the same pattern as the 2 level.
Posted 2015-February-10, 14:20
Partner bids 2♣ and we can pass with Clubs or bid diamonds, hearts to show diamonds and spades, hearts and clubs (respectively). Or it might just ask partner to bid his longest suit, but then you lose the possibility to show two places to play.
We can pass partner's redouble or bid clubs, diamonds, hearts or spades to show clubs-diamonds, diamonds-hearts, hearts-spades or spades-clubs.
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2015-February-10, 14:22
If responder passes and opener has a 5-card suit, he redoubles. Responder can leave it in if he is happy with 1NTx, otherwise he bids 2♣ which opener passes with five clubs and otherwise opener bids his suit.
If responder bids stayman and it goes
this shows a weak hand even if you normally play this sequency as invitational. With an invitational hand, responder would not have used stayman after the double but would have passed.
This way you are able to stay in your system when opps make a double which is not penalty (DONT, for example).
It is not the best way to escape since you won't be able to scramble for a 4-4 fit, but playing strong notrump I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Posted 2015-February-10, 14:24
wyman, on 2012-May-04, 09:48, said:
rbforster, on 2012-May-20, 21:04, said:
My YouTube Channel
Posted 2015-February-10, 15:08
XX=1 minor or both majors
Does not guarantee getting to the best spot but you can show your 2 suiters and you can bid 2M nat which is a good preemptive bid.
Posted 2015-February-10, 17:34
You have a few of issues to decide before designing a system.
1) Are you going to play systems on over a penalty double. If you do this means you only have Pass and Redouble to assign extra meaning. Or are you going to use different bids over a penalty double.
2) Are you going to try to play in 1NXX when you think 1N making.
3) Is 1NX a possible place to play.
Once you've decided this you can probably pick your methods from established weak NT methods.
Posted 2015-February-10, 17:41
Nothing is perfect but we found this easy to remember in a fairly rare auction.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2015-February-10, 17:53
PhantomSac, on 2015-February-10, 15:08, said:
XX=1 minor or both majors
Does not guarantee getting to the best spot but you can show your 2 suiters and you can bid 2M nat which is a good preemptive bid.
This works really well. For the most part it is responder, not opener who should do the scrambling.
But, I still like Kuhchung's humor in answer to the OP's actual question.
Posted 2015-February-10, 18:14
aguahombre, on 2015-February-10, 17:53, said:
But, I still like Kuhchung's humor in answer to the OP's actual question.
i actually play that
Posted 2015-February-10, 23:11
kuhchung, on 2015-February-10, 18:14, said:

I hope so. It means you are normal. The humor was in the profound expression of the obvious.