Deal #33 AQ432 A43 AQ4 KJ
Posted 2014-May-10, 00:46
Posted 2014-May-10, 00:49
1C (1H) P (2C) 16+ (Suction), 0-7 (pass/correct)
dbl P 3C P takeout (minors) cue
3S P P P natural
Apparently the 3C bid did not promise a rebid.
Posted 2014-May-10, 05:34
what is wrong with 4S (or 3NT), instead of 3S?
3C should show eq. length in the majors and max. for the bidding so far,
which makes it 4-7.
South never showed add. values, so for all North knowes, the partnership
may have a combined 22-23 count, with a 4-3 fit, the 4333 shape does not
improve the North hand either.
I prefer 4S to 3NT, but 3NT would be the better bid given the concrete hand.
With kind regards
Uwe Gebhardt (P_Marlowe)
Posted 2014-May-10, 06:29
Posted 2014-May-10, 10:09
Free, on 2014-May-10, 06:29, said:
+1 .
Playing P as 0-7 seems a bit odd -- what is X promise?
Posted 2014-May-10, 10:44
Dbl (t/o or extras) - 2♠*
*The 2♠ bid here is extremely descriptive, since responder has denied four spades. This should show three spades to an honor, and by inference a balanced hand (else would have a suit to bid). Since balanced GF has a different path this is known to be 5-8 and opener has no reason to look for slam.
Conceivably responder could've tried 2nt (natural) or even pass over 2♣X, but they seem inferior.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2014-May-10, 10:51
awm, on 2014-May-10, 10:44, said:
Dbl (t/o or extras) - 2♠*
*The 2♠ bid here is extremely descriptive, since responder has denied four spades. This should show three spades to an honor, and by inference a balanced hand (else would have a suit to bid). Since balanced GF has a different path this is known to be 5-8 and opener has no reason to look for slam.
Conceivably responder could've tried 2nt (natural) or even pass over 2♣X, but they seem inferior.
I'd been wondering whether your double of 2C would be takeout or GF relay (since it coincides with your relay ask). What are your rules for when you may relay after they steal your relay ask? For example..
1C-1H (1S) ?
1C-1N (2C) ?
1C-2D (2H) ?
What are your doubles and passes?
Posted 2014-May-10, 11:31
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2014-May-11, 14:20
1♣-(1♥)-X-(2♣) strong; suction; balanced 5+ HCP no long suit; spade tolerance, club preference to diamonds
X-(p)-2♥-(p) takeout or extras; stuck for a bid (or 2NT)
2♠-3♠ natural extras; raise
It's hard to judge all the inferences for opener on the auction. Given partner doubled, should advancer pass to suggest playing in 1♥ with 5, or bid 1♠ or pass instead pushing to 2♣? Hard to know how these people bid, when, arguably, overcaller doesn't really have his bid either. On the lay of the cards and a trump lead against 2♣X, they're only getting 3 tricks (♣♣♥) before partner draws their trump and we run the pointed suits.
Posted 2014-May-11, 15:39
1♣(16+) - (1♥) - X (5-7 no good suit) - 2♣ -
3♠ - p - 4♠ - p - p - p
C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2014-May-12, 06:44
1♣ - 2♠
3♠ - 4♠
1♣ = 0-10, 4+ clubs
2♠ = Very nearly forcing, natural
Posted 2014-May-12, 07:26
North "opens" with a forcing pass:
pass-1♣; [0--7 or 17+; 0--7 or 17+]
(1♥)-pass-(2♣)-2♠; [pass is 0--7; 2♠ is natural strong and not forcing]
The above case is if they play suction in this sequence.
Playing Dubbelklubba (Swedish Club) we would probably have the same sequence.
Instead of bidding 2♠ south may make a take-out double, if this seems better.
Posted 2014-May-15, 23:00
Posted 2014-May-16, 02:58
2NT = 18-20
3NT = who cares about 5 card stayman?
Posted 2014-May-27, 09:53
For the pass after the double my guess is that they play system on, so X would be the same as 1♣ - 1♥. This is not optimal but nice and simple to throw in at the beginning while the rest of the system gets built.
P - 1♣ = 15-17 nat/bal or 18+ any
(1♥) - P = most non-GF hands (yes I know this is rubbish - see above)
... - (2♣) - X = to
3♣ = art GF (passing is also an idea)
... - 3♠ = nat