BBO Mobile App Version 3.50 Comments Thread
Posted 2012-December-24, 09:47
Click for more information
Please post in this thread if you have any questions, suggestions, or comments. Every post in this thread will be read by at least one BBO staff member, but we may not respond to every post that is made.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2012-December-24, 10:11

Posted 2012-December-24, 11:55
LanderBG, on 2012-December-24, 10:11, said:

Thanks for letting me know. A couple of other people have reported this problem (all using iPhone 4 or 4s).
I am investigating and will get a fixed version out as soon as possible. Unfortunately that might not be for a week or two. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2012-December-25, 11:24
fred, on 2012-December-24, 11:55, said:
I am investigating and will get a fixed version out as soon as possible. Unfortunately that might not be for a week or two. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
for me at last when playing with GIBs I can swipe to see what bids will mean before I make them
couldnt do it very well on previous releases, maybe its from guitar callouses, seriously
also can now log onto and pick GIBs for other seats when its rented on my account
what version of the GIBs are the ones with the mobile app
Posted 2012-December-26, 09:45
Is there a place besides Google Play where I can find 3.5 for Android ?
A Kindle Fire must be rooted in order to access Google Play.
I am reluctant to play with the Fire firmware.
Posted 2012-December-26, 20:58
mangurian, on 2012-December-26, 09:45, said:
Is there a place besides Google Play where I can find 3.5 for Android ?
A Kindle Fire must be rooted in order to access Google Play.
I am reluctant to play with the Fire firmware.
Never mind..........I screwed up my courage and rooted my Fire.
However, for the good of BB, BB mobile should be in another Android store
for easy install on tablets which can't access the Google store.
Posted 2012-December-27, 08:58
mangurian, on 2012-December-26, 09:45, said:
Is there a place besides Google Play where I can find 3.5 for Android ?
A Kindle Fire must be rooted in order to access Google Play.
I am reluctant to play with the Fire firmware.
I will make the latest version available through the Amazon app store within the next couple of days.
Sorry about the delay.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2012-December-29, 21:56
Posted 2012-December-30, 09:10
toast1, on 2012-December-29, 21:56, said:
Click the options button (it looks like a gear) when you are at a table.
A window will appear that contains options for "confirm cards" and "confirm bids" (among other things). Switch those options on and press the "Close" button.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2013-January-08, 15:50
Chat is a bit infuriating though. Words keep repeating themselves unasked, and the cursor jumps to the beginning of a sentence so one's chat becomes incoherent. Is there any setting I can refer to to rememy this, or is it on a list of bugs, or what?
Posted 2013-January-08, 19:03
mcdoodle, on 2013-January-08, 15:50, said:
Chat is a bit infuriating though. Words keep repeating themselves unasked, and the cursor jumps to the beginning of a sentence so one's chat becomes incoherent. Is there any setting I can refer to to rememy this, or is it on a list of bugs, or what?
Probably you have the "Swype keyboard" installed on your tablet. Unfortunately this causes problems for our app (and other apps) that so far I have been unable to solve.
If I am right about the cause of the problems, you can probably avoid them by disabling or uninstalling Swype (and using the default Android keyboard instead).
Sorry about the inconvenience. If this doesn't help, let me know.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
Posted 2013-January-18, 10:03
Posted 2013-January-30, 07:20
I would suggest that if play could be input using text (S/H/D/C + Akqjt98765432) it would be much more playable. Or is it already supported?
Posted 2013-January-30, 16:04
- trumps are not moved to the left wich confused me justnow where I wanted to ruff;;-)
- when finishing a tournament I can't kibitz
Posted 2013-January-31, 04:32
For Chinese, we hand write Chinese characters on the screen to the device.
andych, on 2013-January-30, 07:20, said:
I would suggest that if play could be input using text (S/H/D/C + Akqjt98765432) it would be much more playable. Or is it already supported?
Posted 2013-February-04, 03:46
There is a question on China Entertainment Forum :
when he use Andriod to play at bbo,there are not any suits symbol in the hand.Here is shootme at below.

Now, I don't know how to answer.
Posted 2013-February-09, 15:09
Celebrated by getting a Galaxy Note.
Man in the shop said that it was Flash-compatible (it isn't) but never mind that, first application downloaded (after security utilities) was, of course BBO Mobile for android, which seems to work without Flash
Lovely product. Obviously still being developed at a furious pace. Couple of comments:
1) It could just be my unfamiliarity with Android. Options that I am used to having thrust "in yer face", being until today entirely Windows-bound, seem to be obscured until you learn where to find them, but one thing I noticed about BBO is that having launched the program I cannot find any way to exit the program (ie unload it as a resident running app) otherwise than by via the Task Manager. That does not seem good. The app gives you an option to Log Off, but not to "Close" the app.
2) The initial menu structure having logged in is slightly unintuitive to someone new to the app., in this respect:
I want to play bridge. And Lo! the first item on the list is "Play Bridge". I look no further. Why should I? OK, there are only 4 items in the menu, so it is rather lazy not to read all the menu options before selecting "Play Bridge". So anyway I click on "Play Bridge", and THEN I start to wonder about where I want to play. Is there, in the next menu, a link to "List all tables"? No, there is not. There WAS an option to "List all Tables" in the previous menu (the one which included "Play Bridge"). And now that I understand the menu structure a bit more, whenever I log in wanting to Play Bridge I (now) know to click on "List all tables" rather than (what I want to do) "Play Bridge".
Come to think of it, had I read all 4 menu items the first time that I logged on with this app, I probably would STILL have clicked on "Play Bridge" rather than "List all tables" had that been my intention (to Play Bridge) and would still have been disappointed not to find the "List all tables" option then within the "Play Bridge" submenu.
Not a major issue. Like I say, I have workarounds for both of the above: Use Task Manager to close the app after logging off, and ignore the "Play Bridge" menu item in favour of "List all tables" when I want to play. But I mention the points only because first impressions are important for those not already hooked on the site.
(EDIT) I have in fact managed to instal Flash on the Galaxy Note. Just could not do it from the official auto-instal links because it is not officially supported. And it does seem a bit buggy. And the mobile bbo app is much better on this equipment. But at least I should now be able to play the video footage embedded in the bbc news web pages. Seems to me that bbc should stop using flash if not android-friendly.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq