Low level competition doubles
Posted 2012-April-17, 05:01
(1♦) 1♠ (x) 1NT
(2♦) X
Do most play this double as penalty or takeout? Does it differ in teams events and pairs events?
More simply,
1♠ (P) 1NT 2♣
P (P) X
1♠ (P) 1NT 2♣
These doubles are presumably linked, what do you think each shows?
Posted 2012-April-17, 05:11
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-April-17, 07:51
WellSpyder, on 2012-April-17, 06:42, said:
So do I and check the "maximal" and "card showing" boxes on the ACBL convention card.
All 3 of the above just show extra values or a max in the case of 1nt with no clear direction. That usually = pass if you can stomach it partner but look at your hand and do something intelligent. Otherwise known as a transfer of responsibility.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2012-April-17, 07:55
Phil352, on 2012-April-17, 05:01, said:
han, on 2012-April-17, 05:11, said:
WellSpyder, on 2012-April-17, 06:42, said:
ggwhiz, on 2012-April-17, 07:51, said:
So there you have it - as clear a consensus as you could possibly hope for

Posted 2012-April-17, 19:51
ggwhiz, on 2012-April-17, 07:51, said:
You and your partners must be very civilised. In my partnerships what is transferred in situations like this is "blame".
Posted 2012-April-17, 21:04
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-17, 22:37
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2012-April-18, 06:44
I see no-one has commented on the teams vs pairs aspect. It seems to me that more doubles could be pens in pairs, but obviously need discussion with partner.
Posted 2012-April-18, 07:03
Phil352, on 2012-April-18, 06:44, said:
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-April-18, 07:22
Posted 2012-April-18, 07:40
- hrothgar
Posted 2012-April-18, 07:50
You might also enjoy Roy Hughes' discussion of low-level doubles. Looks like he ended his blogging career after posting on this topic.
Posted 2012-April-18, 17:35
Phil352, on 2012-April-18, 06:44, said:
So all three of those you have given look like t/o to me.
The ones that are penalty tend to be those auctions where you have already denied the ability to make a t/o double. E.g.
1s p 1N p
2S x
is basically always played as penalty, as there is no hand that didnt want to make a t/o double at the one level and now wants to force partner to the three level.
Others are less clear:
1c p 1N p
2C x
Is normally played as a t/o double, pre balancing at the two level, as with all three suits in play there is a decent chance of a fit somewhere at the two level. Moreover its quite dangerous for partner to dble over 1N for t/o as he doesnt know if opener is strong or even just strong balanced. So he needs a t/o double available, and if he is doubling for t/o you do not need a penalty double. The same auctions in diamonds and hearts are weighing these factors, nearly everyone plays the dble of 2d in both seats as t/o after 1d-1n-2d, but there is a real disagreement about what to do in hearts. Particularly as people seem to double more agressively over majors at the one level than over minors, as the danger of it coming back to you at the three level is much higher.
Other auctions that are "obviously" penalties are auctions like:
1d (1s) 1N (2S)
P P x
The NT hand would have doubled originally if it had a t/o shape, and has also denied diamond support normally, so it has little 3 level safety.
1d (1s) 1N (2s)
is t/o, as if partner has a stop and they have a fit you can never have a penalty double. It normally promises significant extra values.
Obviously low level auctions involving preempts are generally penalties, like 2H (2S) x. When partner is known to be single suited a t/o dble seldom makes sense. When we have a fit double is generally penalties, except i prioritise game tries above penalty when there is no other way to make a game try. A similar prioitisation can apply when we are looking for 3N: 1D (1S) 2S (3S) now dble from either side shows enough extra to look for game and is looking for 3N.
Then there are those in more complicated situations that just feel like penalty:
(1H) 1S (2d) x
(3d) x
Seems like it should be penalty, though I don't have any clear rule for why. Perhaps because we cant have a major fit and if partner had enough for 4 clubs he could just bid it. Anyway, think I have covered most of the non-t.o doubles that come up regularly.
Posted 2012-April-18, 17:41
Phil352, on 2012-April-18, 06:44, said:
gnasher, on 2012-April-18, 07:22, said:
How fortunate he didn't do that, since, as far as I can see, no poster said all low level doubles are t/o. That would be ludicrous.
Posted 2012-April-18, 18:05
But what about (1♥)-P-(1NT)-P;(P)-X? Marvin French thinks this should be penalty. Do you?
Posted 2012-April-18, 18:14
Statto, on 2012-April-18, 18:05, said:
But what about (1♥)-P-(1NT)-P;(P)-X? Marvin French thinks this should be penalty. Do you?
Yes, definitely penalty.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2012-April-19, 04:30
Statto, on 2012-April-18, 18:05, said:
But what about (1♥)-P-(1NT)-P;(P)-X? Marvin French thinks this should be penalty. Do you?
Yes penalty.
Its like 1h p 1n p 2h x, except without the 2h bid its even more likely they have no fit and so you have a pen x. OTOH, its much more likely the 1N bidder can run out safely to 2m.
The case for t/o gets stronger as the suit rank goes down though.
1c p 1N p p x: should this be t/o? I think quite a lot play this as a "flawed t/o", something like 4243 shape.