HighLow21, on 2012-February-09, 11:00, said:
The problem with 3NT is that you have no hold-up power in spades.
If partner has three spades, we do not need this. Also, here's a lead problem for you. You hold: AJTxxxx xxx x xx when your RHO bids 3N over your 3
♠ opening. Is it automatic to lead a spade? Hardly.
By the way, the shorter partner's spades are, the more likely our clubs are running.
In theory, if you lose an early trick you could go down 4 and be doubled in the process.
Who is doubling me? The hand that couldn't take a call over 3
♠ or the hand that preempted? Did I tip my hand during the bidding?
Plus you are missing 3 aces. If partner is broke you will get doubled and be minus many--and it's not unlikely that partner has little. You have a bad 18 points, and the opener in theory has 5-10; this leaves only 12-17 points to divvy up between partner and LHO, and if partner doesn't have the majority of those points you are a definite underdog in 3NT.
You are definitely overthinking this but do you really think LHO really has a 10 count with his (presumed) AJTxxxx? I'd say LHO has 5-7, leaving 15-17 between pard and RHO. Now partner didn't double 3
♠, and RHO didn't boost, so the split is going to be between 12-3/5 or 3/5-12 I think. When clubs are running and partner happens to have three spades, we need practically
nothing to make 3N.
Give East something like: ♠xx ♥AJxx ♦QJxx ♣Qxx. This is not an unlikely holding on the auction. Now try to avoid a massive penalty in 3NT!
LOL who doubles 3N on this hand? Even then, partner has the
♦A, I will take the club finesse (marked with the double) and soon be down writing +750.
I'd bid 4♣ and be content to make it or go down a small amount if partner is broke. It's not likely to get doubled, and if partner has some values he might take you to 5♣. Yes, you might suffer a 2nd round spade ruff in a ♣ contract, but that's only one blown trick, not 5.
♣ is such a nothing bid. The spectrum of hands that makes 5
♣ and doesn't make 3N is very small. If someone made me choose a non-3N call, I would rather pass.
Keep in mind also that your bid might push them to 4♠ which might make. I don't like this hand one bit.
Balancing your opponents into game is not a realistic scenario.