At this point on the bidding West takes away her double, and everyone starts to get all their bids away to preceed on play, then EW ask/lecture each other for passing this stupid contract, East says to partner that she could bid over 1♥XX and West says that she didn´t see the redouble (though it was a pass card).
Nobody called director and it was assumed that they had passed out 1♥XX
The play is really weird, diamond is led, declarer plays the ace and drops the King from hand, then cashes ♦Q&J discarding revoking discarding ♠3&2 from hand, west ruffs this and plays a spade (ruffed), diamond comes back (ruffed), and in the end declarer makes 4♥ from hand, 2♦, 2♣ for 8 tricks. How many tricks for the defence due to revoke(s)?