- Read the BBF Terms of Service
- Lurk more. Lurking is when you hang around without contributing so that when you are ready to contribute, you know what to do, and what not to do. This usually avoids getting sarcastic replies.
- Before posting something run a Search and make sure the subject you have in mind hasn't been covered already. There is a Search box at the top of the window. Google Search is even better. Click here to see How to use Google to search the BBF
- Don't type in CAPS. This is perceived as rude and it is the equivalent of "yelling".
- Don't abuse fonts, emoticons, suit symbols or memes.
- Don't post in specialized Forums unless you are qualified to do that. Sarcastic replies in the Expert Forums for example are not likely to be moderated.
- Get started in the Novice/Beginner or Intermediate/Advanced Forums if you have bridge questions. You will get thoughtful answers from the experts.
- If you feel like posting something silly please go ahead - there is a Water Cooler Forum just for that.
- When you get in trouble or run out of arguments post a cat picture.
Edit: This is already mentioned in the Forum Rules, but do not post Abuse issues in the Forums. If someone is rude, or if you suspect a pair is cheating, or if anything else bothers you about other BBO members send a mail to abuse@bridgebase.com. They have the tools to investigate and take the necessary measures.