Modified Gazilli
Posted 2006-November-28, 00:37
Anyways, I've noticed a few problems in the auction starting 1♠-1NT:
(1) If responder has precisely 1-4-5-3 shape and a bad hand, then opener's 2♣ rebid causes a problem. The best contract is probably 2♣ but of course this can't be reached. Responder is left to bid 2♠ (playing the 5-1 fit) or 2♥ (which should show five) or "fake" a 2♦ relay that should show game values opposite the strong option. Pretty much any choice is undesirable here.
(2) If responder has 1-4-4-4 shape and a bad hand, then again preferencing 2♠ is a poor option. There are various outs, but it tends to be hard to find the best fit when opener is strong but not game forcing.
(3) If responder has 2-4-4-3 or 2-4-3-4 and a bad hand, then a 4-4 heart fit may be missed if opener has the strong hand (but not enough to bid on after responder preferences to 2♠).
Here's my proposed modified version. After 1♠-1NT:
Opener's 2♣ shows either a minimum with hearts or the strong hand. With a very weak hand, responder bids whatever he would bid over a 2♥ call. So 2♥/2♠ are preferences, 2NT is a real minor two suiter (5-5 at least), and 3m is natural with no real interest in either major. If responder relays, opener's 2♥ shows the minimum and again responder can take preference or introduce a suit. Opener's other calls show the big hand.
Opener's 2♥ rebid isn't needed as showing hearts. Instead, it shows a hand with 6+♠. Responder bids whatever he would bid over a natural 2♠ call (most often 2♠). Opener can then bid on with extras to show a good 6-4 for example, or bid 2NT to show the equivalent of a 3♠ jump in values but with a poor suit (or 3♠ with a good suit).
Opener's 2♠ bid isn't needed as showing spades, and will be used to show clubs with a minimum opener. Playing a non-2/1 GF style system, responder's 2NT rebid over this doesn't have a natural meaning. Instead, we will use it as a scramble, either the awkward 1-4-5-3 pattern or other distributional red two-suiters.
In addition to solving some of the issues above, this method gives us a number of options with strong hands. In particular we have:
(1) Strong, but not GF 5-5 hand can jump in the second suit over 1NT.
(2) GF 5-5 hand can start with a 2NT rebid, and responder's 3♣ relays for second suit.
(3) Strong, but not GF 6-4 hand can start with 2♥ and then bid 2nd suit over 2NT.
(4) Strong spade one-suiters can rebid 3♠, or bid 2♥ then 3♠, or bid 2♥ then 2NT, or bid 2♣ followed by spades. The suggestion is that these distinguish strength and suit quality.
(5) Strong 5332 or 5-4ish hands always go through 2♣ rebid.
Anyone want to poke holes in this idea?
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2006-November-28, 01:25
1S-1N-2D shows a 6 card Spade suit
1H-1S(KI)-2C shows a 6 card Heart suit.
This gives responder two steps before committing beyond 2M, and I have found this useful.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2006-November-28, 02:25
2♣ = strong or a minimum hand with 6 card M
Rebidding 2M shows minimum with M and ♣. This way responder can more easily choose to bid the Major, even with singleton...
Posted 2006-November-28, 09:48
Read Adams post more carefully, my suggestion does not help the 2443/2434 hand. Maybe I should change my 2NT bid to 3+♣, 3+♦, 3-4♥ and 0-2♠? At first glance I do not see too much trouble playing it like that.
Posted 2006-November-28, 14:49
Playing 2♣ is "6+M or strong" doesn't work in this respect, because responder will almost always bid 2M on the atrocious minimum, which could be a terrible spot when opener has only 5M and extras. Thus opener needs to take another call to avoid a 5-1 (or 5-0) fit and may well end up in a poor contract.
With the method I propose, responder's bids on a bad hand over 2♣ showing "♠+♥ or strong" would be:
2♥ = prefer hearts to spades. opener passes with the minimum hand or bids 2♠ to show spades and a minor with extras (but not GF). Responder can now look for the minor if holding something like 1444 or 13(45) or 14(35). With a spade one-suiter opener would only bid 2♣ if holding GF values anyway (and would bid 3♠ or 4♠ over 2♥ in this case). With extras including spades and hearts, opener can pass or bid 3♥ to look for the best game.
2♠ = 2♠ and 0-3♥. This will be a reasonable partial in all cases, and opener can freely pass with extras but not enough to force game.
2NT, 3♣, 3♦ all show seriously distributional hands (and describe almost exact shape). Opener is well-equipped to pass or bid game in a reasonable strain.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2006-November-29, 04:03
There are some disadvantages compared with how I have played Gazzilli, 1♠-1NT-2♣-2♦-?
2♥ = 15-17 balanced or 15-16 with 4♣
2♠ = 11-14, 4+♣
2NT = 17+, a 4 card side suit
This way 2♠ is better limited. And you can with 8 points make an invitation against the 15-17 hand, compared with standard Gazzilli that is.
Otherwise it seems like your suggestion could work well. In my version, after the sequence 1♠-1NT-2♣-2NT I have played that all openers rebids are nonforcing, pass and 3♣ shows a weak hand, 3♦, 3♥ and 3♠ are strong but passable, stronger hands just bid a game. Made some simulations, didn't seem like a big problem. But of course, you can't stop before the 3-level.
Posted 2006-November-29, 16:53
What if responder has the shape (i.e. a lot of hearts) which would invite or force game opposite a normal 2h rebid, but doesn't really want to encourage opposite other strong hands? Is 1s-1n-2c-2d-(not 2h) 100% gf? Is Qx Kxxxx Jxxxx x enough, or is this type of hand forced to bid only 2h (and possibly miss game opposite the minimum).
Also, I think I missed what opener does with a minimum with spades and clubs. Is it still 1s-1n-2h-2d-3c? and the gf black two suiter starts with 2N?
Posted 2006-November-29, 17:02
(1) There aren't so many hands with 5-7 points and fewer than six hearts that want to be in 4♥ opposite 11-14 hcp with 5♠ and 4♥. Even if such a hand exists it'd be amazing for opponents to pass over it. Also, a "nice" 7-count can always respond 2♦. I'm not convinced on the example hand of Qx Kxxxx Jxxxx x that I would necessarily bid game over opener's natural 2♥ rebid.
(2) With 5-7 points and 6♥ responder rebids 3♥, which opener can raise to game with an actual heart fit.
(3) With a minimum including spades and clubs, opener rebids 2♠. This shows 11-16 hcp with spades and clubs. Over this responder can pass, bid 3♣ (to play, virtually always 4+♣), bid 2NT as a scramble, or make a natural bid with a six-card red suit. With very distributional club hands 4♣ is available as a strongly invitational raise.
(4) With extras and spades and clubs, opener rebids one of: 3♣ (5-5 NF), 2NT (5-5 GF), 2♥ (6-4 NF), 2♣ (5-4 or 6-4 17+ hcp).
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2019-April-10, 04:06
TimG, on 2019-April-09, 11:26, said:
Yes, although we now play 2M opening as 9+ to 13 natural which means spade one suited hands have a higher minimum.
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2019-April-10, 08:59
awm, on 2019-April-10, 04:06, said:
How have you modified 1S-1N for your double-barreled invites? For example, opening a limited 1S precludes very strong hands and your 1N response is more limited.
I've wondered if 1S-1N, 2C could promise 3+H kind of how your 1H-1S, 1N promises 3-4 spades.
Posted 2019-April-10, 09:37
straube, on 2019-April-10, 08:59, said:
I've wondered if 1S-1N, 2C could promise 3+H kind of how your 1H-1S, 1N promises 3-4 spades.
Believe this post is in the context of an wide ranging standard opening. BTW, did TimG win the necro thread award on this sub-forum

Posted 2019-April-14, 02:18
awm, on 2006-November-28, 00:37, said:
So what would the continuations after 1♠-1N; 2♠ be if you were to play this in a 2/1 GF-like system?